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Hating Manning's ears, my paper will pounce on this story of stories like puss pounces on little mousie. They'll smear it all over the sheet. I'll scoop the world and whoever does buy the Evening Wow will give me a life job at some delirious salary! I——"

"Get in motion, will you?" I almost screamed, "They'll be off Sandy Hook before you——"

But Thomas had shot through the lobby and out the revolving doors, scattering innocent bystanders hither and you in his mad flight.

There isn't much more to tell, but what there is will ruin you! Accompanied by his photographer, Tommy boarded the lugger on which John Temple Manning and Mrs. Jackson Young were starting their unlawful voyage. Tom spotted the pair hiding back of a life-boat and his camera man used his police lines badge to set up his camera on the ship's bridge, getting a peach of a picture showing Manning with his arm around Mrs. Young's slender waist. Tom's next imitation was to get a copy of the ship's register and scramble ashore, all without the guilty couple's knowledge. Our heroic reporter made no attempt to interview his victims, being more or less sensibly afraid that Manning would have him shanghaied or something to prevent the publication of that photo and story.

Once on dry land, Tommy rushed to the office of the Evening Wow and feverishly typed out his yarn for