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doing my stuff with Mr. Bell's clever little invention. But the handsome city chap is no quitter.

"I won't bother you now if you're busy," he says, as serious as the Johnstown Flood. "But I'm coming back again with that dinner invitation, don't think I won't. I don't know how you feel about me, but I don't mind telling you that you've just about ruined my peace of mind!"

Cute, wasn't he? But of course I can't let him see it.

"You better get somebody to write you a new act," I says. "That stuff used to make Eve yawn! And now I don't wish to be rude, but—here comes the house detective."

"May I give you a ring tomorrow?" he asks, moving toward the door.

"This is so sudden," I smile. "And I don't even know you!"

"I mean a ring on the phone," he says, featuring that killing blush again.

"Go ahead, call up," I says. "I like a laugh as well as anyone."

I thought that was the end of him and I can't say that thought particularly tickled me. There was something about this boy that—that—well, you know what I mean! Most of these boobs are as standard types as nail files, Close your eyes and it could be any one