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"You want a chance to play the star part in 'The Girl from Betelgeuse' and show Broadway what you can do, don't you?" I says.

"Do I?" says Julius, grabbing my hands while his face lights up like a cathedral. "Why, say, sweetheart, if I ever get a crack at that part——"

"Well, don't cry," I butt in. "You're going to get a crack at it tomorrow night!"

"What do you mean?" gasps Julius, trying to read my face. He can't and he sinks back in his chair. "Don't jest about that, Gladys, it's too near my heart," he says, kind of reproachful.

"If you think I'm kidding, you're crazy!" I smiles. "If Charlemagne Rutledge fails to appear tomorrow night you go on and play the lead, don't you?"

"Of course," says Julius. "But that's nonsense. He hasn't missed a performance since the infernal show opened a year ago."

"Well, he'll miss tomorrow night," I says, still smiling, "because we're going to kidnap him."

Julius laughs and pats my hand.

"You angel," he says, "I really believe you would do that for me! But——"

"But nothing," I interrupted, the smile gone. "Kidnapping the leading man is the only way you'll ever get your chance. Well, we're going to do it. If you don't go through with this, I'm through with you!"