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love and its hidden history.

one is, who is selfish or morbid in the line indicated, and the quicker one or both of these victims resort to means capable of creating better magnetic and chemical states of body, the sooner will they realize what marriage and love really mean. When from any cause the seat of nervous sensation has been deadened or changed, married life becomes a chronic provocation; the desires are intense, even terrible; there is a fearful love-hunger, but no assuagement; it is a daily, horrible, living death. In the true marriage of genuine love, there is ever an electric fusion between souls and bodies, productive of exquisite, social, mental, and moral joy; for each absorbs from, and imparts to, the other, resulting in a moral and spiritual happiness, utterly impossible to be described. In such a case, the feminine exuvae and the prostatic fluid mingle, change their forms to that of an aeriform magnetism, which is mutually absorbed, and as this nerve aura is the very essence of both parties, and the fusion can only take place in perfect love, it follows that "free love," promiscuity, and personal vice are losing games; won't pay, don't pay, never can pay, — they are suicidal to the last degree. There is no act a human being can possibly commit, not even excepting robbery and murder, that so effectually demoralizes the entire being, as does the vice alluded to. The curse of God rests upon it, and its penalties are too dreadful to contemplate; for no punishment bears a sting so sharp and poisonous as it does. It is God's method of preventing the terrible deed.

When couples really blend and fuse this nerve aura is the source, and the love which begets it is a citadel of strength, and joy, and power, and all things pure and good. But if lust alone obtains these fluids mix, but do not mingle; they remain, and they result in forming a thick, viscid, carcinomous coating, which rapidly poisons the wife, decomposes, and becomes insufferably terrible. Leucorrhea follows, the health is broken down, she becomes lonely, sick, queer, angular, wretched, and all earth and life one vast lazar-house and hell; and if such a wife finds herself likely to become a mother, she is often tempted to evade the issue by a crime; and there are hundreds of wretches, male and female, in our towns and cities, who for five dollars a head will kill unborn children by the hundred, and grow rich upon it; and there are many so-called "respectable" papers in said cities or towns, which gladly announce