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love and its hidden history.

or perhaps for years. The husband has female acquaintances whom the wife does not "approve;" the wife has masculine attendants on whom the husband frowns; the offending party neglects the home-circle and frequents the theatres with the tabooed parties; late suppers at restaurants ; habits of indulging in strong drink; mysterious absences and "excursions;" and finally a revolver, if the offender be the wife, or a lawyer, if the husband be the guilty one, brings the matter to a crisis ; and exposure, accompanied by death or disgrace, follows, and the curtain drops upon the forbidding scene. The moral of all this: Stick to your homes and your families. " A house divided against itself cannot stand."

It is plain that all this results from utter selfishness in either party, from the fact that neither party has real confidence in the other; and the cure for it is the assiduous cultivation, not of sameness, but of NEWNESS.

VI. The grand power of inner perception is most easily attained by clearly denning in your own mind what you want to know, and then powerfully concentrating the attention and will upon knowing it, and the answers will flow into the mind, or it will perceive what it wants to.

VII. Any mother, can, if she will, produce offspring that shall be superior to either parent, by avoiding all disagreeables of whatever kind or nature. Bybelieving she shall and will produce a superior specimen of the race, and by firmly resisting discontent, anger, jealousy, hatred, and all evil, dwelling only on that which is true, beautiful and good.

VIII. Women suffering from affectional perversions, resulting in the trains of evil known as " Female Complaints," have a positive means of rejuvenation in the will, in the cultivation of the purer attributes of their nature; observance of the law of soap and water, and a firm determination to be no longer slaves to drugs, anger, selfishness, the doctors, envy, or anything else calculated to unbalance them. Thus mentally they can heal themselves, tone their bodies, and gain new life, energy, and the power that begets power in return.

IX. Married Men's lives will be happy and pleasant when they learn: 1. That a woman is a woman — not a softer sort of man. 2. That wives appreciate forbearance. 3. That occasionally a woman's organization becomes so deranged that she needs