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the master passion.

cologne, Hungary water, or lavender, passed very lightly over the face.

"When the skin of the face is dry, brittle, thick, and pimply, it may be necessary to apply cold cream or pomade de concombres. A little of one of these may be spread over the complexion with advantage before exposure to the sun, or to the fresh breeze, such as is met on the sea-shore. Here is the best ointment for pimples:—

Bi-carbonate of soda,
36 grains.
Glycerine,   1 drachm.
Spermaceti ointment,   1 ounce.

"It is most convenient, for obvious reasons, to apply the ointments, like the lotions, at night. About a quarter of an hour after their application the face should be wiped in such a manner as to leave but a slight trace of them, which should be finally removed altogether next morning by means of a little cologne diluted with water.

"In order to preserve the freshness of the complexion there are certain pastes which may be used. They are put on at night, covering the face like a mask, and removed in the morning by washing with chervil water (eau de cerfeuil). The best composition for one of these masks, not to conceal, but to generate beauty, is this:—

Ground barley, 3 ounces. Honey, 1 ounce. White of egg (one).

Mix into a thick paste.

"A woman's hair to be beautiful must be long and abounding, gently undulating, fine of texture, and of a brilliant surface. As for color, that depends upon taste, or, shall we say, fashion? The blond d'or or golden-yellow hair of the Empress Eugenie has brought the light colors into great vogue, and exalted even the once despised red heads high above the crowd.

"The condition of the hair depends much upon the state of the general health. An improper diet and all causes which deteriorate the latter injure the former. Excess of every kind, both mental and bodily, is sure to produce premature grayness or baldness. Rakes, it is said, find it impossible to keep the hair upon their