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love and its hidden history.

times, we have it in such abundance, that it floats all around us; then everybody is attracted. Some people have none at all. These are vampires, and exhaust all who come near them, as if they had been sapped dry of every drop of blood and vitality ! In the presence of certain persons you are suffused with their subtle magnetic emanations (blood fire), and instantly there is evoked in you very strong sensations, and excitements peculiar and very strange. If those persons are healthy, physically and otherwise, the effect on you will correspond. But if their love-nature be perverted, inflammatory, morbid, then all the apocalyptic plagues may follow as a consequence.

[Note.—Twenty-five years of observation, as thinker and physician, have led me to the conclusion that thousands of unhappy homes are such for the reason that one or both parties to the marital compact have become magnetically exhausted, or demoralized. In many cases it results from the presence of depleting parasites and animalculae in the system; spores producing morbid fungi throughout the body, and animalculae which feed upon the electric life of human kind.

Another cause of unhappy married lives, I believe, is to be found in the use and abuse of passion; and the disturbing causes being removed and cured, a renewed and enduring affection can be established between the disaffected. Let those who would be surprised at a great truth and simple fact, with the means of turning a domestic hell into a charming heaven, learn it. I believe it possible to restore affection between the most widely opposite, and apparently mismatched couples, and that simply by removing the physical causes; and these causes are often no more than a non-electric state, — slime insulations, or other states that prevent due magnetic, electric, and nervous circulation. When I first announced this theory, and practised accordingly, the wise ones laughed at it and its author; but the lapse of years at length turned the tables, and the laughing philosophers came to terms. Truth is mighty, after all! and despite many defeats, does triumph in the end, and in her turn laughs at the laughers. As for the theory, ga ira! — It will go! Because it is true!]

Here you have the rationale and solution of the "Passional Attraction," and so-called, but in reality wretched, "True and Eternal Affinity" business. Now lust is but mere physical fire, —an intense form of personal magnetism. It is a material aura pervading the body; it is very subtle, but quite substantial; when it is penned up, it, like dammed waters, seeks to escape. It is subject to heats and colds, because material, and as such, is liable to disease, because the body that evolves it is so—just as a scrofulous woman cannot nurse her babe on pure milk from her own