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love and its hidden history.

human protoplasm in the womb, ovaries, vagina, brain, testicles, prostate, and duvernayan glands respectively, whence it takes a higher ethereal form and becomes nerve-aura, — the energizing influence of the entire human being. But when, by sudden overwhelming, affectional, or nervous shocks, by self-abuse or libertinism, the nervous energy of the organs named becomes impaired, the chemical changes cannot occur, waste ensues, sickness results, and death speedily follows. Here, then, is a new discovery of priceless value, and deduced from thousands of patient observations, and the truth has been proved in hundreds of instances in a medico-chemical practice of over five and twenty years. And I will go into any insane asylum or hospital in the world and undertake the entire restoration of any hundred cases of disease caused by nervous drain, dyspepsia, libertinism, or insanity in any form, originating in over use, abuse, or electrical insulation of any of the nervous apparatus. Of course, I will decline to attempt it when the cause has been a blow or a fall; but in any case resulting from nervous shock, vital expenditure, and sedentary habit, I will undertake all cases, and guarantee success merely by the use of protoplasmal agents in ninety-eight out of each hundred; and I will teach any and all applicants the entire art, power, and nature of the theory and practice, now enunciated to the world for the first time in its history. Like all other discoverers, I have been compelled to row my barque against wind and tide, amidst the jeers and sneers, and, what is worse still, the faint praise of fair-weather friends; never had a party, never worked for one, and up to this hour have encountered vindictive hostility from the party of reformers in whose cause I have labored for many long years, — people who in the dark hour predicted my failure, and in the light days said, "We always knew you would succeed." I have succeeded, and am proud this blessed day when I can write that sentence, and happy in God's truth, and that I am able and willing to share it with mankind. This I shall do, no matter who frowns, so long as my home is on earth and my residence is, at present, Boston, Mass., where all who value the truths I have delved for can write me and receive it at my hands.

What an enormous host there is who can, truthfully, mournfully, broken-heartedly, sing this mournful song of "dead love"! I have sung it, with pallid lips and tortured soul, when the great