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love and its hidden history.

muscles; and that, in fact, a hundred other purely chemical effects demonstrate the truth of this my new theory?

My researches into the arcana of mental and physical disease have fully satisfied me that this world of ours will never be the delightful place it is capable of becoming, till the great chemico-dynamic laws are clearly understood and obeyed. At intervals during twenty-five years I have practised medicine, have made nervous diseases, including insanity, a speciality; and I now make public the secret of my success in the treatment of such, and correlated diseases, trusting that the disclosures may fall into the hands of those who are not so strongly bound to the old as to reject a better theory and system, and one, too, that has never yet failed where fairly tried.

Should my readers, and the vast public that I now address, be asked to state what they considered the most supreme bliss of physical life, no two answers would probably be the same; for one would name this, another that, and so on through them all; and the chances are that not one of them would correctly name it. Beyond all question the most rapturous sensation the human body can experience is sudden relief from pain, — an assertion amply confirmed by every one's experience. Freedom from pain is a supreme joy, perfect health the chief good, — facts not realized till both are gone.

The surgeon at his dissecting table is struck with awe as he beholds the marvels of the human body, even when still and cold in the icy folds of Death; but what would be his astonishment and awe, could he with true clairvoyant eye behold the mighty machine in full and active motion, — as I and many others have through that marvellous magnetic sight? Not for an emperor's diadem would I exchange the blessed knowledge thus acquired, for it has saved many a valuable life, and the glory is greater, and hereafter will be more highly prized, than that of any imperial butcher whose fame is budded upon rape, carnage, and fields red-wet with human slaughter.

"It is all guesswork!" said one of earth's greatest physicians, when speaking of his own art; and it is certain that nearly all the old theories of diseases and their remedies are fast dying out, and that the era of Positive Science is already dawning on the world. People now begin to understand of what their bodies are