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mystics of the primitive world or of the modern times.

If I may use a common scientific notion, I may state that " under certain conditions of temperature and pressure" human intellect or the brain of man produces the phenomenon with the mystical method and mystical philosophy. Wherever you find those conditions you are bound to have mystics and mysticism. The world's ingredients under certain conditions of temperature and pressure must produce that phenomenon called H,0. So mysticism is neither the product of Hindu brain, nor the product of Saracenic brain, nor the product of Chris- tian brain, nor the product of Chinese brain. It is " inevitable " under certain conditions, be they in the East or in the West.

Rossetti sings of the " Sea-limits : " " Consider the Sea's listless chime : Time's self it is, made audible, — The murmur of the earth's own shell,

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As the world's heart of rest and wrath. Its painful pulse is in the sands.

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Gather a shell from the strewn beach And listen at its lips : they sigh The same desire and mystery. The echo of the whole sea's speech. • And all mankind is thus at heart Not anything but what thou art ; And, Earth, Sea, Man are all in each." Nicholson writes : " I find you in the wild unpeopled places. Where mile on mile the heatherland unrolls