Page:Low Mass Ceremonial (Burnett).djvu/35

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a little above the paten, the priest bows his head and with his right hand strikes his breast three times, saying each time "Lord I am not worthy," etc. Then, using both hands, he brings the two parts of the host together so that one lies directly over the other, and above the paten, and holding them with his right hand, his left resting on the corporal, he signs himself with the host (over the paten) and says, "The Body of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was given for me, preserve my body and soul unto everlasting life. Amen." Then bowing down his head and at the same time raising the host higher directly over the paten, the priest reverently places both parts of the host upon his tongue. Then after rubbing together his thumbs and forefingers over the paten, the priest stands erect, joins his hands, holds them near, and a trifle higher than, his breast, and meditates briefly on the Blessed Sacrament. Then he removes the pall from the chalice, puts his hands upon the corporal, genuflects, and rises, meanwhile saying, "What reward" etc. Then at once he takes up the chalice (as at the elevation), and holding it as high as his breast, very carefully and reverently signs himself with it, meanwhile saying, "The Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, which was shed for me, preserve my body and soul unto everlasting life. Amen." Having said these words, the priest places the chalice to his lips and communicates himself, taking care to receive together with the Precious Blood the particle which was placed therein. After he has communicated himself, the priest passes his lips over the brim of the cup in order to remove whatever of the Precious Blood may have adhered thereto, and then replaces the chalice upon the corporal, covers it with the pall, places his hands upon the corporal, genuflects, rises again, and, having his hands joined, meditates briefly on the Blessed Sacrament.

The server, (if there be one) if he is to be communicated, should kneel on the foot-pace, at the right of the priest, and there receive his communion. After the priest has received the communion in both kinds (as directed above) and, it may be, has administered the same to the server, he takes up the paten, holding it between the forefinger and the middle-finger of his left hand so that the joined thumb and forefinger rest on the paten, and the other fingers