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Experiments upon the Tremont Turbine.

Description of Table II., containing the experiments upon the turbine at the Tremont Mills

54. The data obtained by direct observation, and the results deduced from them by calculation, are arranged together, for convenience of reference, in table II

The columns numbered 1, 2, and 3, require no further explanations than are contained in the several headings.

55. Column 4. Height of the regulating gate. The three first experiments were made under circumstances identical in every thing, except that the height of the regulating gate was varied a little, for the purpose of ascertaining the height giving the maximum coefficient of effect. The mean height between the crowns of the wheel, at the inner edges of the buckets, was 0.9368 feet, or 11.2416 inches; the curvature of the disc and garniture, however, rendered it necessary to raise the gate rather more than this, in order to present the most favorable aperture. By a comparison of the first three experiments, it appears that the most favorable result was obtained, with the gate raised to a height of 11.50 inches, or a little less; the succeeding experiments, numbered from 4 to 50, inclusive, were made with the regulating gate raised to the full height, or to 11.50 inches, nearly. A comparison of the first three experiments will show that there could be no appreciable difference in the results, that could be attributed to the small differences in the heights of the gate, in the experiments numbered from 4 to 50, inclusive, and they are accordingly all classed together, as experiments with a full gate, the small difference in the heights being accidental.

The experiments numbered from 51 to 64, inclusive, were made with the gate raised 8.55 inches, or three-fourths of the full height, nearly. Those numbered from 65 to 76, inclusive, were made with the gate at very nearly half of the full height. Those numbered from 77 to 79, inclusive, were made with the gate at about seven eighths of the full height. Those numbered from 80 to 89, inclusive, were made with the gate at about one fourth of its full height. And the last three experiments were made with the gate raised one inch.

56. Column 5. Time. The times entered under the heads beginning, and ending, of the experiments, are taken from the notes of the "speed of the wheel," and indicate the times at which the bell, attached to the counter, was struck, which, by a comparison of the various note-books, appeared, by the regularity of the observations, to be the most suitable for the commencement and termination of the experiment.