Page:Lowell Hydraulic Experiments, 4th edition.djvu/49

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Experiments upon the Tremont Turbine.

Table I.

Weight of a cubic foot of pure water at different temperatures.

in degrees of
Weight in air, of a
cubic foot of pure
water. Pounds
in degrees of
Weight in air, of a
cubic foot of pure
water. Pounds
in degrees of
Weight in air, of a
cubic foot of pure
water. Pounds
32 62.375 50 62.368 69 62.278
33 62.377 51 62.365 70 62.272
34 62.378 52 62.363 71 62.264
35 62.379 53 62.359 72 62.257
36 62.38 54 62.356 73 62.249
37 62.381 55 62.352 74 62.242
38 62.381 56 62.349 75 62.234
39(max.) 62.382 57 62.345 76 62.225
39.38 62.382 58 62.34 77 62.217
40 62.382 59 62.336 78 62.208
41 62.381 60 62.331 79 62.199
42 62.381 61 62.326 80 62.19
43 62.38 62 62.321 81 62.181
44 62.379 63 62.316 82 62.172
45 62.378 64 62.31 83 62.162
46 62.376 65 62.304 84 62.152
47 62.375 66 62.298 85 62.142
48 62.373 67 62.292 86 62.132
49 62.371 68 62.285

67. Column 17. Ratio of the useful effect to the power expended. This column is obtained by dividing the numbers in column 10 by those in column 16.

68. Column 18. Velocity due to the fall acting upon the wheel. The numbers in this column have been calculated by the formula

V = the velocity in feet per second.

g = the velocity acquired by a body at the end of the first second of its fall in a vacuum.

h = the fall acting upon the wheel; this is given in column 13.

The value of g has been calculated by the formula given in the second edition of the Traité D'Hydraulique, by D'Aubuisson, page 5, viz.: —

l being the latitude of the place; e, its elevation above the level of the sea; and r, the radius of the terrestrial spheroid, at the level of the sea, and at the place;