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Gies thanks, night and day, to the Giver OF A',
There's been naething unworthy o' him that's awa.
Then here is to them that are far frae us a',
The friend that ne er failed us, tho' farest awa!
Health, peace, and prosperity wait on us a',
And a blythe coming-hame to the friend that's awa!

N A N C Y.

Tune—Humours of Glen.

Twas ae day in autumn and just in the gloamin,
As wandering down by the burnie sae clear,
O what do ye think I should meet in my roamin
But Nancy, sweet Nancy, my ain only dear.
The leaves o' the trees were thick fa in around us,
And a' things look'd duwie, but Nancy's fair face,
An' blushin,'she looked as the new-risen moon does,
When first she peeps out of the watery space!

I gazed on her charms a' sae sweet an invitin',
And cried, O ye powers, who govern above!
Sure woman was made for man to delight in,

And cauld is tha' breast ne'er enlivened by love.