Page:Ludovic Courtès - Functional Package Management with Guix.djvu/10

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Figure 10
Dependency graph of the software distribution bootstrap.

laziness to ensure that only packages needed are built[1], we instead support ad hoc laziness with the package form. Nix and Guix have the same application: packaging of a complete GNU/Linux distribution.

Before Nix, the idea of installing each package in a directory of its own and then managing symlinks pointing to those was already present in a numb er of systems. In particular, the Depot[2], Store[3], and then GNU Stow[4] have long supported this approach. GNU’s now defunct package management project called `stut’, ca. 2005, used that approach, with Stow as a back-end. A "Stow file system", or stowfs, has been available in the GNU Hurd operating system core to offer a dynamic and more elegant approach to user profiles, compared to symlink trees. The storage model of Nix/Guix can be thought of as a formalization of Stow’s idea.

Like Guix and Nix, Vesta is a purely functional build system.[5] It uses an external DSL close to the Nix language. However, the primary application of Vesta is fine-grain software build operations, such as compiling a single C file. It is a developer tool, and does not address deployment to end-user machines. Unlike Guix and Nix, Vesta tries hard to support the standard Unix file system layout, relying on a virtual file system to “map” files to their right location in the build environment.

Hop defines a multi-tier extension of Scheme to program client/server web applications.[6] It allows client code to be introduced ("quoted") in server code, and server code to be invoked from client code. There’s a parallel between the former and Guix’s use of Scheme in two different strata, depicted in Section 3.2.

Scsh provides a complete interface to substitute Scheme in "shell programming" tasks.[7] Since it spans a wide range of applications, it goes beyond the tools discussed in Section 3.4 some ways, notably by providing a concise process notation similar to that of typical Unix shells, and S-expression regular expressions (SREs). However, we chose not to use it as its port to Guile had been unmaintained for some time, and Guile has since grown a rich operating system interface on top of which it was easy to build the few additional tools we needed.

==CONCLUSION== GNU Guix is a contribution to package management of free operating systems. It builds on the functional paradigm pioneered by the Nix package manager[8], and benefits from its unprecedented feature set—transactional upgrades and roll-back, per-user unprivileged package management, garbage collection, and referentially-transparent build processes, among others.

We presented Guix’s two main contributions from a programming point of view. First, Guix embeds a declarative domain-specific language in Scheme, allowing it to benefit from its associated tool set. Embedding in a general-purpose language has allowed us to easily support internationalization of package descriptions, and to write a fast keyword search mechanism; it has also permitted novel features, such as an on-line auto-updater. Second, its build programs and libraries are also written in Scheme, leading to a unified programming environment made of two strata of code.

We hope to make Guix a good vehicle for an innovative free software distribution. The GNU system distribution we envision will give Scheme an important role just above the operating system interface.


The author would like to thank the Guix contributors for their work growing the system: Andreas Enge, Nikita Karetnikov, Cyril Roelandt, and Mark H. Weaver. We are also grateful to the Nix community, and in particular to Eelco Dolstra for his inspiring PhD work that led to Nix. Lastly, thanks to the anonymous reviewer whose insight has helped improve this document.

  1. E. Dolstra, A. Löh, N. Pierron. NixOS: A Purely Functional Linux Distribution. In Journal of Functional Programming, (5-6) , New York, NY, USA, November 2010, pp. 577-615.
  2. S. N. Clark, W. R. Nist. The Depot: A Framework for Sharing Software Installation Across Organizational and UNIX Platform Boundaries. In In Proceedings of the Fourth Large Installation Systems Administrator's Conference (LISA '90), pp. 37-46, 1990.
  3. A. Christensen, T. Egge. Store—a system for handling third-party applications in a heterogeneous computer environment. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 1995, pp. 263-276.
  4. B. Glickstein, K. Hodgson. Stow—Managing the Installation of Software Packages. 2012.
  5. A. Heydon, R. Levin, Y. Yu. Caching Function Calls Using Precise Dependencies. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN 2000 conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, PLDI '00, pp. 311-320, ACM, 2000.
  6. M. Serrano, G. Berry. Multitier Programming in Hop. In Queue, 10(7), New York, NY, USA, July 2012, pp. 10:10-10:22.
  7. O. Shivers, B. D. Carlstrom, M. Gasbichler, M. Sperber. Scsh Reference Manual. 2006.
  8. E. Dolstra, M. d. Jonge, E. Visser. Nix: A Safe and Policy-Free System for Software Deployment. In Proceedings of the 18th Large Installation System Administration Conference (LISA '04), pp. 79-92, USENIX, November 2004.