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"Benedixisti, Domine, terram tuam,"
  In this holy labore, Lord, me spede.

Joseph. Mary, wyff and mayd most gracyous,
  Displese ȝow not, I pray ȝow, so long I have be.
I have hyryd for us a lytyl praty hous,
  And ther in ryght hesely levyn wole we.
Come forthe, Mary, and folwe me,
  To Naȝareth now wele we go,
And alle the maydonys, bothe ffayr and fre,
  With my wyff comyth forthe also.
Now lystenyth welle, wyff, what I telle the,
  I must gon owth hens fer the fro,
I wylle go laboryn in fere countré,
  With trewthe to maynteyn oure housholde so.
          This ix. monthis thou seyst me nowth:
Kepe the clene, my jentyl spowse,
And alle thin maydenys in thin howse,
That evyl langage I here not rowse,
          ffor hese love that alle hath wrought.

Maria. I pray to God he spede ȝour way,
  And in sowle helthe he mote ȝow kepe,
And sende ȝow helthe, bothe nyth and day,
  He shylde and save ȝow from al shenschepe.
Now, Lord of grace, to the I pray,
  With morny mood on kne I krepe,
Me save from synne, from tene and tray,
  With hert I murne, with eye I wepe.
          Lord God of peté,
Whan I sytt in my conclave,
Alle myn hert on the I have,
Gracyous God, my maydenhed save,
          Evyr clene in chastyté.