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Alas! why is it so?
  To the busshop I wole it telle,
That he the lawe may here do,
  With stonys here to qwelle.

Nay! nay! ȝet God fforbede,
That I xuld do that vegeabyl dede,
          But if I wyst wel qwy.
I knew never with here, so God me spede,
Tokyn of thynge in word nor dede
          That towchyd velany.
Nevyr-the-les what for-thy,
  Thow she be meke and mylde,
Withowith mannys company
  She myght not be with childe.

But I ensure myn was it nevyr;
Thow that she hath not done here devyr.
          Rather than I xuld pleynyn opynly,
Serteynly ȝitt had I levyr
fforsake the countré ffor evyr,
          And nevyr come in here company.
ffor and men knew this velany,
  In repreff thei wolde me holde,
And ȝett many bettyr than I,
  ȝa, hath ben made cokolde.

Now, alas! whedyr xal I gonne?
  I wot nevyr whedyr nor to what place;
ffor oftyn tyme sorwe comyth sone,
  And lenge it is or it pace,—
          No comforte may I have here.
I wys wyff thou dedyst me wronge;
Alas! I traryed from the to longe,