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Maria. Butt, husbond, of oo thynge I pray ȝow most mekely, I have knowyng that oure cosyn Elyȝabeth with childe is; That it plese ȝow to go to here hastyly, If owught we myth comforte here, it were to me blys. Joseph. A! Godys sake is she with childe, sche? Than wole here husbond ȝakarye be mery. In Montana they dwelle fer hens, so mot y the, In the cety of Juda, I knowe it veryly; It is hens, I trowe, myles two and ffyfty, We are like to be wery or we come at that same; I wole with a good wyl, blyssyd wyff Mary,— Now go we forthe than in Goddys name. Maria. Goth husbond, thow it be to ȝow peyne, This jurny I pray ȝow lete us go fast, ffor I am schamfast of the pepyl to be seyne, And namely of men, therof I am agast. Pylgrymages and helpynges wolde be go in hast, The more the body is peynyd, the more is the mede; Say ȝe ȝour devocionys, and I xal myn reast(?), Now in this jurny God mote us spede! Joseph. Amen! Amen! and evyr more; Lo! wyff, lo! how starkly I go before.

Et sic transient circa placeam.

Contemplacio. Sovereynes, undyrstondyth that kynge Davyd here
  Ordeyned ffoure and twenty prestys of grett devocion,
In the temple of God after here let apere,
  Thei weryd clepyd summi sacerdotes ffor her mynistracion.