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Secundus detractor. Than beware dame, for this is wel i-knowe Whan it is born, yf that the sunne shyne, It wyl turne to watyr ageyn, as I trowe, ffor snow onto watyr do the evyr more reclyne. Secundus doctor legis. With Goddys hyȝ myght, loke thou not jape, Of thi purgacion wel the avyse; Yf thou be gylty, thou mayst not schape, Beware evyr of God, that ryghtful justyce. If God with vengeauns set on the his syse, Not only thou but alle thi kyn is schamyd; Bettyr it is to telle the trewthe devyse, Than God for to greve and of him be gramyd. Maria. I trostyn in his grace, I xal hym nevyr greve, His servaunt I am in worde, dede, and thought; A mayd undefyled I hope he xal me preve, I pray ȝow lett me nought. Episcopus. Now be that good Lord, that alle this werd hath wrought, If God on the shewe ony manyr tokyn, Purgacion I trowe was nevyr so dere bowth, If I may on the in any wyse be wrokyn. Holde here the botel and take a large draught, And abowth the awtere go thi processyon. Marya. To God in this case my cawse I have be-taught, Lorde, thorwe thin helpe, I drynke of this potacyon.

Hic beata virgo bibit de potacione, et postea circuivit altare, dicens,

God, as I nevyr knew of mannys maculacion,
  But evyr have lyved in trew virginité,
Send me this day thin holy consolacion,
  That alle this fayr peple my clennes may se.