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 1. Prologue 1
 2. i. The Creation 19
 3. ii. The Fall of Man 24
 4. iii. Cain and Abel 33
 5. iv. Noah's Flood 40
 6. v. Abraham's Sacrifice 49
 7. vi. Moses and the Two Tables 58
 8. vii. The Prophets 65
 9. viii. The Barrenness of Anna 70
10. ix. Mary in the Temple 79
11. x. Mary's Betrothment 90
12. xi. The Salutation and Conception 105
13. xii. Joseph's Return 117
14. xiii. The Visit to Elizabeth 124
15. xiv. The Trial of Joseph and Mary 131
16. xv. The Birth of Christ 145
17. xvi. The Adoration of the Shepherds 156
18. xvii. The Adoration of the Magi 161
19. xviii. The Purification 172
20. xix. The Slaughter of the Innocents 179
21. xx. Christ disputing in the Temple 189
22. xxi. The Baptism of Christ 199
23. xxii. The Temptation 205
24. xxiii. The Woman taken in Adultery 213
25. xxiv. Lazarus 223
26. xxv. The Council of the Jews 239
27. xxvi. The Entry into Jerusalem 252