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Maria. Of this fayr byrthe that here is myn, Peyne nere grevynge fele I ryght non! I am clene mayde and pure virgyn, Tast with ȝour hand ȝourself alon.

Hic palpat ȝelomye beatam virginem, dicens,

ȝ3elomy. O myghtfulle God, have mercy on me!
  A merveyle that nevyr was herd beforn!
Here opynly I fele and se
  A fayr chylde of a maydon is borne,
And nedyth no waschynge, as other don,—
  fful clene and pure forsothe is he;
Withoutyn spott or ony polucyon,
  His modyr nott hurte of virgynité!

Coom nere, gode systyr Salome,
  Beholde the brestys of this clene mayd,
fful of fayr mylke how that thei be,
  And hyre chylde clene, as I fyrst sayd;
As other ben nowth fowle arayd,
  But clene and pure, bothe modyr and chylde;
Of this matyr I am dysmayd
  To se them bothe thus undefyled.
Salome. It is not trewe; it may nevyr be
  That both be clene, I cannot beleve:
A maydes milke never man dyde se,
  Ne woman here chylde withowte grett greve.

I xal nevyr trowe it, but I it preve,
  With hand towchynge but I assay;
In my conscience it may nevyr cleve,
  The sche hath chylde and is a may.
Maria. ȝow for to putt clene out of dowth,
  Towche with ȝour hand and wele asay:
Wysely ransake and trye the trewthe owth,
  Whethyr I be fowlyd, or a clene may.