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Balaam spak in prophesye,
A lyght xuld shyne upon the skye,
Whan a chylde of a mayd Marye
            In Bedleem were i-born.
Tertius Pastor. Thow I make lytyl noyse of this,
I am an herde man that hattyht sayyng amyce,
I herde spekyng of a chylde of blyce,
            Of Moyses in his lawe.
Of a mayd a child xuld be borne,
On a tre he xuld be torn,
Delyver folkys that arn forlorn,—
            The chylde xulde be slawe.
Primus pastor. Balaam spake in prophecie,
Out of Jacob xuld shyne a skye,
Many ffolke he xulde bye
            With his bryght blood.
Be that bryght blod that he xulde blede,
He xal us brynge fro the develys drede,
As a duke most dowty in dede,
            Thorwe his dethe on rode.
Secundus Pastor. Amos spak with mylde methe,
A frute swettere than bawmys brethe,
His dethe xulde slen owre sowlys dethe,
            And drawe us alle from helle.
Therfore suche lyght goth beforn,
In tokyn that the childe is born,
Whiche xal save that is forlorn,—
            As prophetys gonne spelle.
Tertius pastor. Danyel the prophete thus gan speke,
Wyse God from woo us wreke,
Thi bryght hevyn thou to-breke,
            And medele the with a mayde.
This prophecye is now spad,
Cryst in our kende is clad,
Therfore mankend may be glad,
            As prophetes beforn ban seyd.