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How harwere of helle
          Was born this nyght,
Myrthis to melle,
And fendys to quelle,
That were so felle
                  Aȝens his ryght.
Secundus Pastor. ffarewel, babe and barne of blys!
ffarewel, Lord that lovely is!
The to wurchep thi feet I kys;
          On knes to the I falle.
The to wurchepe I falle on kne,
Alle this werd may joye of the!
Now farewel, Lord of grett pousté!
          ȝa, farewel, kynge of alle.
Tertius Pastor. Thow I be the last that take my leve,
ȝit fayre mullynge, take it nat at no greve;
Now, fayre babe, wele mut thou cheve!
          ffayr chylde, now have good day.
ffareweyl, myn owyn dere derlyng:
I-wys thou art a ryght fayr thyng!
ffarewel, my Lorde and my swetyng!
          ffarewel, born in pore aray!
Maria. Now, ȝe herdmen, wel mote ȝe be,
  ffor ȝoure omage and ȝour syngynge:
My sone xal aqwyte ȝow in hefne se,
  And ȝeve ȝow alle ryght good hendynge! Amen.