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Secundus Rex. Myn hede is hevy as lympe of leede, But yf I slepe, I am adrede My witt xalle fare the worse; I wax hevy in lyme and flanke, Downe I ley me upone this banke, Under this bryght sterre i-wys. Tertius Rex. Brother, I must lye the bye, I will go never over this stye Tylle I have a slepe. The yong kyng and his mother Mary, Save us alle from every velany! Now Cryst us save and kepe! Primus rex. Such hevynese have us cawght, I must drynk with ȝow a drawght, To slepe a lytyll whyle. I am hevy heed and footte, I xulde stumbylle at rescue and root, And I xulde goo a myle.

Hic dormiunt reges, et venit angelus, et dicit eis.

Angelus. ȝe kyngges on this hille,
Werk ȝe not aftyr Herodes wylle,
For yf ȝe do, he wylle yow kylle
            This day or nyght.
My lorde ȝow sent this tydyng,
To rest yow knygges in rych clothyng,
And whan ȝe rysyn and goo to your dwellyng,
            Tak home the wey fulle ryght.
Whether that ȝe be wakyn or slepe,
My lorde God xalle yow kepe,
In goode tyme ȝe dede downe drepe
            To take ȝowr rest.
Herowdys to the devyl he tryste,
To marre ȝow in a thyrke myste,