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Than angelle with songe, this is no nay,
  Xal worchep God, as it is ryth;
But Lucyfer, that angelle so gay,
  In suche pompe than is he pyth,
            And set in so grete pride,
That Goddys sete he gynnyth to take,
Hese lordys pere hymself to make,
But than he ffallyth a ffend ful blake,
          ffrom hevyn in helle to a[bide.]

Tertius vexillator.

In the secunde pagent by Godys myth,
  We thenke to shewe and pley, be-dene,
In the other sex days, by opyn syth,
  What thenge was wrought ther xal be sene;
How best was made and foule of flyth,
  And last was man made, as I wene;
Of mannys o ryb, as I ȝow plyth,
  Was woman wrougth mannys make to bene,
          And put in paradyse.
Ther were floures bothe blew and blake,
Of alle frutes thei myth ther take,
Saff frute of cunnyng thei xulde forsake,
          And towche it in no wyse.

The serpent toke Eve an appyl to byte,
  And Eve toke Adam a mursel of the same,
Whan thei had do thus aȝens the rewle of ryte,
  Than was oure Lord wrothe and grevyd al with grame.
Oure Lord gan appose them of ther grete delyte,
  Bothe to askuse hem of that synful blame,
And than Almyghty God, ffor that gret dyspite,
  Assygned hem grevous peyn, as ȝe xal se in game,
          In dede,
Seraphyn, an angelle gay,
With brennyng swerd, this is verray,