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Primus miles. I xall sle scharlys,
And qwenys with therlys,
Here knave gerlys,
            I xal steke.
fforthe wyl I spede,
To don hem blede,
Thow gerlys grede,
            We xul be wreke.

Secundus miles. ffor swerdys sharpe,
As an harpe,
Quenys xul karpe,
            And of sorwe synge.
Barnys ȝonge,
They xul be stunge,—
Thurwe levyr and lunge
            We xal hem stynge.

Angelus. Awake, Joseph, and take thi wyff,
Thy childe also ryd be-lyff!
ffor kynge Herowde, with sharpe knyff
            His knyghtes he doth sende.
The Fadyr of hevyn hath to the sent,
Into Egypte that thou be bent,
ffor cruel knyghtes thi childe have ment
            With swerd to sle and shende.

Joseph. Awake, good wyff, out of ȝour sleepe,
And of ȝour childe takyght good kepe,
Whyl I ȝour clothis ley on hepe,
            And trus hem on the asse.
Kynge Herowde the chylde wyl scloo,
Therfore to Egypte muste we goo,
An aungel of God seyd me soo,
            And therfore lete us passe.