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Han tholyd peyn,
And ȝe xul reyne
            Evermore ryche.

Herodes Rex. ȝe xul have stedys
To ȝour medys,
Londys and ledys,
            ffryth and ffe.
Wele have ȝe wrought,
My ffo is sought,
To deth is he brought,—
            Now come up to me.

In sete now am I sett, as kynge of myghtys most,
  Alle this werd ffor ther love to me xul thei lowt;
Bothe of hevyn, and of erthe, and of helle cost,
  ffor dygne of my dygnyté thei have of me dowt.
Ther is no lord lyke on lyve to me wurthe a toost,
  Nether kyng nor kayser in alle this world abought;
If any brybour do bragge or blowe aȝens my bost,
  I xal rappe tho rebawdys and rake them on rought,
            With my bryght bronde.
Ther xal be neyther kayser nere kynge,
But that I xal hem down dynge,
Lesse than he at my byddynge
            Be buxum to myn honde.

Now, my jentylle and curteys knyghtes, herke to me this stownde,
  Good tyme sone me thynkyghe at dyner that we were;
Smertly therfore sett a tabylle anon here fful sownde,
  Coverid with a coryous clothe and with ryche wurthy fare;
Servyse ffor the lovelyest lorde that levynge is on grownde,
  Beste metes, and wurthyest wynes, loke that ȝe non spare;