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Jhesus. How it was wrought, and how longe it xal endure,
  That I can telle be good delyberacion;
Not only therof, but of every creature,
  How it is wrought, I knowe the phasmacion.
Secundus doctor. Of thi wurdys I have skorne and derysone;
  How schulde a chylde, that nevyr lettyr dyde lere,
Com to the wytt of so hyȝ cognysion
  Of tho grete werkys that so wundyrfoille were?

Jhesus. Alle thynge is brought to informacion,
  Be thre personys, oo God in Trynité!
And on of tho thre hath take incarnation,
  Bothe flesche and blood of a mayd ffre;
And be that myght of tho personys thre,
  Hevyn and erthe and alle thynge is wrought;
And as it plesyth that hyȝ magesté,
  Alle thynge xal leste and lenger nowght.

Primus doctor. I grawnt weyl alle thynge that God dyde make,
  And withowtyn hym nothynge may be;
But o thynge thou seydyst, and that I forsake,
  That oo God alone was personys thre;
Ryght onpossyble that is to me,
  That on is thre I kannot thynke:
If thou canst preve it, anon lett se,
  ffor in oure hertys it may nevyr synke.

Jhesus. In the sunne consydyr ȝe thynges thre,
  The splendure, the hete, and the lyght;
As tho thre partys but oo sunne be,
  Ryght so thre personys be oo God of myght.
Secundus doctor. In very feyth this reson is ryght;
  But ȝitt, fayr babe, oo thynge we pray ȝow:—
What do alle tho thre personys hyght
  Us to enforme? ȝe sey to me now.