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ffyrst or ȝe wore borne ȝeres many score,
  Thorwe the myght of my fadyr, my wytt in me dede flowe.

Primus doctor. Or that we weryn born, nay that may nat be;
  The ȝongest of us tweyn is iij. score ȝere of age,
And thiselfe art but a chylde, al men may wel se,
  Late camst out of cradyl, as it semyth be thi vesage.
Jhesus. I am of dobyl byrthe and of dobyl lenage;
  ffyrst, be my Fadyr I am without gynnynge,
And lyke as he is hendeles in his hyȝ stage,
  So xal I also nevyr mor have endynge.

ffor be my ffadyr, kynge celestyalle,
  Without begynnyng I am endles;
But be my modyr that is carnalle,
  I am but xij. ȝere of age, that is expres;
My body of ȝoughe doth shewe wyttnes,
  Whiche of my modyr here I dude take;
But myn hyȝ godhede, this is no lesse,
  Alle thinge in this worlde forsothe dude I make.

Secundus doctor. Be ȝour fadyr that endles is:
  Who is ȝour modyr? telle us we pray.
Jhesus. Be my fadyr, the hyȝ kynge of blys,
  A modyrles chylde I am veray.
Primus doctor. Who was ȝour fadyr to us than say?
  Be ȝour modyr a woman that was.
Jhesus. I am ffadyrles; as for that may,
  Of fleschly luste she dude nevyr trespas.

Secundus doctor. Telle us, I pray ȝow, what is ȝour name?
  What hyght ȝoure modyr? telle us also.
Jhesu. Jhesu of Naȝareth, I am the same,
  Born of a clene mayd, prophetys seyd so;
Ysaye seyd thus,—"Ecce virgo!"
  A mayd xal conceyve in clennes a chylde: