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Thy desyre is synne to shende,
  Alle synful lyff thou woldyst spylle;
Thyn entente hath a good hende,
  The lawe of God thou dost ffulffylle
            This tyde.
Baptym to take I come to the,
And conferme that sacrement that newe xal be,
In flom Jordon thou baptyze me,
             In watyr that is wyde.

Johannes. My lorde God, this behovyth me nought,
  With myn hondys to baptyȝe the;
I xulde rather of the have sought
  Holy baptym, than thou of me.
Jhesus. Suffyr now, John, my wyl were wrought,
  Alle ryghtffullenes thus ffulfylle we;
Me to baptyȝe take thou no dowthe,
  The vertu of mekenes here tawthe xal be,
            Every man to lere.
And take ensawmple here by me,
How mekely that I come to the,
Baptym confermyd now xal be,
            Me to baptyȝe take thou no dwere.

Johannes. Alle men may take example, lo!
  Of lowly mekenes evyn ryght here,
Be oure Lorde God, that comyth me to,
  Hese pore servaunt and his sutere.
Every man lere to werke ryght so,
  Bothe kynge and caysere, and grett empere;
Be meke and lowe the pore man to,
  And put out pryde in alle manere—
            God dothe here the same!
To thi byddynge, my Lord so dere,
I me obey with gladsum chere,