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Than be we rygh sore begylde,
            And short xal ben oure spede.

Therfore, seres, sumwhat that ȝe shewe,
  In this grett dowth what is best to do;
If he be Goddys sone he wyl brede a shrewe,
  And werke us meche wrake, bothe wreche and woo:
Sorwe and care he wyl sone strewe,
  Alle oure gode days than xulde sone be goo;
And alle oure lore and alle oure lawe he wyl downe hewe,
  And than be we alle lorn, if that it be soo,
            He wylle don us alle tene.
He wylle be Lorde over hevyn and helle,
And ffeche awey alle oure catelle,
Therfor shewe now sum good counselle,
            What comfort may best bene.

Belyalle. The best wytt that I kan say,
  Hym to tempte forsothe it is;
With sotyl whylys, if that thou may,
  Asay to make hym to don amys.
If that he synne, this is no nay,
  He may nat be kynge of blys:
Hym to tempte, go walke thi way,
  ffor best counselle I trowe be this;
            Go forthe now and asay!
Belsabub. The best wytt I hold it be,
Hym to tempte in synnys thre,
The whiche mankende is frelté
            Doth ffalle sonest alway.

Sathan. So afftyr ȝour wytt now wylle I werke,
  I wylle no lengere now here abyde;
Be he nevyr so wyse a clerke,
  I xal apposyn hym withinne a tyde.