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How in advowtrye hyre lyff is lent;
  Than hym beforn whan she is browth,
We xul hym aske the trew jugement,
  What lawful deth to here is wrouthe?

Of grace and mercy hevyr he dothe preche,
  And that no man xulde be vengeable;
Ageyn the woman if he sey wreche,
  Than of his prechynge he is unstabyl;
And if we fynde hym varyable
  Of his prechynge that he hath tawth,
Than have we cawse, bothe juste and able,
  ffor a fals man that he be cawth.

Scriba. Now, be grete God, ȝe sey fful welle:
  If we hym fyndyn in varyaunce,
We have good reson, as ȝe do telle,
  Hym for to brynge to foule myschauns.
If he holde stylle his dalyauns,
  And preche of mercy hire for to save;
Than have we mater of gret substauns,
  Hym for to kylle and putt in grave.

Grett reson why I xal ȝow telle;
  ffor Moyses dothe bydde in oure lawe,
That every advowterere we xuld qwelle,
  And ȝitt with stonys thei xulde be slawe;
Ageyn Moyses if that he drawe,
  That synful woman with grace to helpe,
He xal nevyr skape out of oure awe,
  But he xal dye lyke a dogge whelpe.

Accusatur. ȝe tary ovyr longe, seres, I sey ȝow,
  They wyl sone parte, as that I gesse;
Therfore if ȝe wyl have ȝour pray now,
  Lete us go take them in here whantownnesse.