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Iff that my felawys that dude aspye,
  They wylle telle it bothe ffer and wyde;
My sunfulle levynge if thei out crye,
  I wot nevyr wher myn heed to hyde.

Accusator. Alas! for sorwe myn herte doth blede,
  Alle myn synnys ȝon man dude wryte;
If that my felawys to them toke hede,
  I kannot me ffrom deth acquyte.
I wold I wore hyd sumwhere out of syght,
  That men xuld me no where se ne knowe;
Iff I be take I am afflyght
  In mekyl shame I xal be throwe.

Scriba. Alas! the tyme that this betyd,
  Ryght byttyr care doth me embrace!
Alle my synnys be now unhyd,
  ȝon man befor me hem alle doth trace.
If I were onys out of this place,
  To suffyr deth gret and vengeauns able;
I wyl nevyr come befor his face,
  Thow I xulde dye in a stable.

Mulier. Thow I be wurthy ffor my trespas
  To suffyr dethe abhomynable,
ȝitt, holy prophete, of ȝour hyȝ grace
  In ȝour jugement be mercyable.
I wyl nevyr more be so unstable,
  O, holy prophete! graunt me mercy!
Of my synnys unresonable,
  With alle myn hert I am sory.

Jhesus. Where be thi fomen that dude the accuse?
  Why have thei lefte us to alone?
Mulier. Bycawse they cowde nat hemself excuse,
  With shame they ffled hens everychone;