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Hic incipit de suscitatione Laȝari.

Laȝarus. God, that alle thynge dede make of nowth,
  And puttyst eche creature to his fenaunce,
Save thyn handwerke that thou hast wrought,
  As thou art lord of hiȝ substauns!
O, gracyous God! att thi plesauns,
  Of my dysese now comforte me,
Whiche thorowe syknes hath suche penawnce,
  On ethys ffor heed-ache may I now se.

Systyr Martha and Mawdelyn eke,
  What hast helpe me in bedde to dresse;
ffor trewly I am so woundyrly seke,
  I may nevyr schape this grett seknes.
My deth is com now I gesse,
  Help into chawmere that I be led,
My grett desesse I hope xal lesse,
  If I were leyd upon a bed.

Martha. Laȝarus, brother, be of good cher,
  I hope ȝour syknes ryght wel xal slake;
Upon this bed rest ȝow rygh here,
  And a good slep assay to take.
Magdalyn. Now, jentyl brothyr, ffor Goddys sake
  Lyfte up ȝowre herte and be not feynt;
An hevy householde with us ȝe make,
  If dedly syknes have ȝow ateynt.