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Tertius consolator. Ah, heyl! syr Laȝarus, how do ȝe fare?
  How do ȝe ffele ȝow in ȝour herte?
Laȝarus. I am with syknes alle woundyn in care,
  And loke whan deth me xulde departe.
Quartus consolator et nuncius. [Gh]e xal have hele and leve in qwart,
  If ȝe wol take to ȝow good chere.
Lazarus. Whan deth on me hath shet his dart,
  I xal have hele and ly on bere.

Primus consolator. Be of good comforte and thynke not so,
  Put out of herte that idyl thought;
ȝoure owyn mysdemynge may werke ȝow wo,
  And cause ȝow sonere to dethe be brought.
Secundus consolator. With gret syknes thow ȝe be sought,
  Upon ȝouresylf have no mystruste;
If that ȝe have, I wundyr ryght nought,
  Thow ȝe be deed and cast in duste.

Tertius consolator. Many on hathe had ryght grett syknesse,
  And aftyr hath had his hele ageyn;
And many a man, this is no lesse,
  With his wantruste hymsylf hathe slayn.
ȝe be a man of ryght sad brayn,
  Thow that ȝour syknes greve ȝow ryght ille,—
Pluk up ȝour herte with myght and mayn,
  And chere ȝoursylf with alle ȝour wylle.

Laȝarus. Ageyn my syknes ther is non ese,
  But Jhesu Cryst, my maystyr dere,
If that he wyst of my dyssese,
  Ryght sone I trust he wolde ben here.
Quartus consolator. I xal go to hym withoutyn dwere,
  And of ȝour syknes telle hym serteyne;