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Tertius consolator. Bothe heed and ffoot now he is wounde, In a schete bothe ffayr and clene, Lete us bere hym streyte to that grounde, Where that ȝe thynke his grave xal bene. Martha. We be ffulle lothe that pytt to sen; But stondynge it may no bettyr be, The coors take up ȝow thre betwen, With carefulle herte ȝow ffolwe xal we.

Hic portavit corpus ad sepelliendum.

Magdaleyn. Alas! comforte I se non othyr,
  But alle of sorwe, and care, and woo;
We dulfulle women must hurry oure brothir,
  Alas! that deth me wyl not slo.
If I to pitt with hym myght go,
  Therin evyrmore with hym to abyde,
Than were my care alle went me fro,
  Ther now grett sorwe doth wounde me wyde.

Primus consolator. This coors we burry here in this pytte,
  Allemyghty God the sowle mut have;
And with this ston this grave we shytte,
  ffro ravenous bestes the body to save.
Magdalyn. He is now brought into his cave,
  Myn hert ffor woo this syght doth kylle;
Lete us sytt down here by the grave,
  Or we go hens wepe alle oure ffylle.

Martha. Us for to wepe no man may lett,
  Beforn oure face to se this syght.
Alas! qwhy doth deth us not fett,
  Us for to brynge to this same plyght?
Secundus consolator. Arys, for shame, ȝe do not ryght,
  Streyth from this grave he xul go hens.
Thus for to grugge ageyns Godys myght,
  Aȝens hyȝ God ȝe do offens.