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I xal go forthe in the strete
  To mete with Jhesu, if that I may.
Secundus consolator. God be ȝour spede bothe evyr and ay,
  ffor with ȝour sustyr we wyl abyde;
Here to comforte we xal asay,
  And alle here care to caste asyde.

Tertius consolator. Mary Mawdelyn, be of good herte,
  And wel bethynke ȝow in ȝour mynde,
Eche creature hens must depart,
  Ther is no man but hens must wende!
Deth to no wyht can be a frende,
  Alle thinge to erthe he wyl downe cast;
Whan that God wol alle thynge hath ende,
  Lengere than hym lyst nothynge may last.

Magdalyn. I thanke ȝow, frendys, ffor ȝour good chere,
  Myn hed doth ake, as it xulde brest;
I pray ȝow, therfore, while ȝe ben here,
  A lytil whyle that I may rest.
Quartus consolator nuncius. That Lord that made bothe est and west,
  Graunt ȝow good grace suche rest to take,
That onto hym xulde plese most best,
  As he this worlde of nought dyd make!

Martha. A! gracyous Lord, had ȝe ben here,
  My brother Lazarus this tyme had lyvyd;
But iiij. days gon upon a bere
  We dede hym berye whan he was ded.
ȝitt now I knowe withowtyn drede,
  What thynge of God that thou do crave,
Thou xalt spede of the hyȝ Godheede,
  What so thou aske thou xalt it have.