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Demon. I am ȝour lord Lucifer, that out of helle cam,
  Prince of this werd, and gret duke of helle.
Wherefore my name is clepyd Sere Satan,
  Wheche aperyth among ȝow a matere to spelle.

I am norssher of synne to the confusyon of man,
  To bryng hym to my dongeon ther in fyre to dwelle.
Ho so evyr serve me, so reward hym I kan,
  That he xal syng weleaway ever in peynes ffelle.

Lo! thus bountevous a lord than now am I,
  To reward so synners, as my kend is;
Whoso wole folwe my lore and serve me dayly,
  Of sorwe and peyne anow he xal nevyr mys.

ffor I began in hefne synne for to sowe,
  Amonge alle the angellys that weryn there so bryth;
And therfore was I cast out into helle ful lowe,
  Notwythstandyng I was the fayrest and berere of lyth.

ȝet in drowe in my tayle of tho angelys bryth;
  With me into helle takyth good hed what I say;
I leste but tweyn aȝens on to abyde there in lyth,
  But the iij.^{de} part come with me, this may not be seyd nay.

Takyth hed to your prince than, my pepyl everychon,
  And seyth what maystryes in hefne I gan ther do play;