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But only ffor pore men to releve,
  This asse is ordeyned, as I ȝow say.
Philippus. Good sere, take this at no greff, Oure mayster us sent hedyr this day, He hath grett nede withowte repreff, Therfore not lett us, I the pray, This best for to lede. Burgensis. Sethyn that it is so that he hath ȝow sent, Werkyth his wylle and his intent, Take the beste, as ȝe be bent, And evyr wel mote ȝe spede. Jacobus minor. This best is brought ryght now here lo! Holy prophete at thin owyn wylle, And with this clothe, anon, also, This bestys bak we xal sone hylle. Philippus. Now mayst thou ryde whedyr thou wylt go, Thyn holy purpos to ffulfylle, Thy best fful redy is dyth the to, Bothe meke and tame the best is stylle. And we be redy also, Iff it be plesynge to thi ssyght, The to helpe anon forthe ryght, Upon this best that thou were dyght, Thi jurney ffor to do.

Here Cryst rydyth out of the place and he wyl, and Petyr and John abydyn stylle, and at the last, whan thei have done ther prechyng, thei mete with Jhesu,

Petrus. O, ȝe pepyl dyspeyryng, be glad!
  A grett cawse ȝe have, and ȝe kan se,
The Lord that alle thynge of nought mad,
  Is comynge ȝour comfort to be.
Alle your langoris salvyn xal he,
  ȝour helthe is more than ȝe kan wete,