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The Holy Gost xal be hys gyde
Into desert therin to abyde,
Xl.^{ti} days a terme ful wyde,
          And xl.^{ti} nyghtes to faste serteyn.

Tertius vexillator.

In the xx.^{ti} pagent alle the develys of helle,
  They gadere a parlement, as ȝe xal se,
They have grete doute the trewth to telle,
  Of Cryst Jhesu whath he xulde be.
They sende Sathan, that ffynde so ffelle,
  Cryst for to tempte in fele degré:
We xal ȝow shewe, if ȝe wyl dwelle,
  How Cryst was temptyd in synnys thre
          Of the deyvl Sathane;
And how Cryst answeryd onto alle,
And made the ffende awey to falle,
As we best may this shewe we xalle,
          Thorwe grace of God and man.

Primus vexillator.

The xxj.^{ti} pagent of a woman xal be,
  The whiche was take in adultrye
The Pharysewys ffalsed ther ȝe xal se,
  Cryst to convycte how they were slye.
They conseyvyd this sotylté,
  Yf Cryst this woman dede dampne trewly,
Ageyn his prechyng than dede he,
  Whiche was of peté and of mercy;
          And yf he dede here save,
Than were he aȝens Moyses lawe,
That byddyth with stonys she xulde be slawe,
Thus they thowth undyr ther awe
          Cryst Jhesu ffor to have.