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I sey for me I had levyr he were brent,
  Than he xuld us alle thus ovyr-lede;
Therfore every man on his party help at this nede,
  And cowntyrfete alle the sotyltés that ȝe kan,
Now late se he kan ȝeve best rede,
  To ordeyn sum dystruccion ffor this man.

Gamalyel. Late us no lenger make delacion,
  But do Jhesu be takyn in hondys fast;
And alle here ffolweres to here confusyon,
  And into a preson do hem be cast.
Ley on hem yron that wol last,
  ffor he hath wrouth aȝens the ryth;
And sythyn aftyr we xal in hast
  Jewge hym to deth with gret dyspyth.

Rewfyn. ffor he hath trespacyd aȝens oure lawe,
  Me semyth this were best jewgement;
With wyld hors lete hym be drawe,
  And afftyr in fyre he xal be brent.
Leyon. Serys, o thyng myself herd hym sey,
  That he was kyng of Jewys alle.
That is anow to do hym dey,
  ffor treson to Seȝar we must it calle.

He seyd also to personys that I know,
  That he xuld and myth serteyn
The gret tempyl mythyly ovyrthrow,
  And the thrydde day reysynt ageyn.

Seche materys the pepyl doth conseyve,
  To ȝeve credens to his werkys alle,
In hefne, he seyth, xal be his reyn,
  Bothe God and man he doth hym calle.