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Ther was nevyr woman of mannys kynne,
  So ful of synne in no countré.
I have beffowlyd be fryth and ffenne,
  And sowght synne in many a ceté;
But thou me borwe, Lord, I xal brenne,
  With blake ffendys ay bowne to be.
            Wherefore, kynge of grace,
With this oynement that is so sote,
Lete me anoynte thin holy fote
And for my balys thus wyn sum bote,
            And mercy, Lord, for my trespace.

Jhesus. Woman, ffor thi wepynge wylle,
  Sum socowre God xal the sende;
The to save I have grett skylle,
  ffor sorwefful hert may synne amende.
Alle thi prayour I xal fulfylle,
  To thi good hert I wul attende,
And save the fro thi synne so hylle,
  And fro vij. develys I xal the ffende,—
            ffendys, flethe ȝour weye!
Wyckyd spyritys I ȝow conjowre,
fflethe out of hire bodyly bowre,
In my grace she xal evyr fflowre,
            Tyl dethe doth here to deye.

Maria Magdalene. I thanke the, Lorde, of this grett grace;
  Now these vij. ffendys be fro me ffitt.
I xal nevyr fforffett nor do trespace,
  In wurd nor dede, ne wyl, nor wytt.

Now I am brought ffrom the fendys brace,
  In thi grett mercy closyd and shytt;