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Judas. Is it owth I, Lord?

Than Jhesus xal sey,

Jhesus. Judas, thou seyst that word! Me thou ast solde, that was thi ffrend, That thou hast begonne brenge to an ende.

Than Judas xal gon ageyn to the Jewys, and, yf men wolne, xal mete with hym and sey this speche folwyng, or levynt, whether thei wyl, the devyl thus seyng,

Demon. A! a! Judas, derlyng myn!
  Thou art the best to me that evyr was bore!
Thou xalt be crownyd in helle peyn!
  And therof thou xalt be sekyr for evyrmore!

Thow hast solde thi maystyr and etyn hym also,
  I wolde thou kowdyst bryngyn hym to helle every del;
But ȝet I fere he xuld do ther sum sorwe and wo,
  That alle helle xal crye out on me that sel.

Sped up thi matere that thou hast begonne,
  I xal to helle for the to mak redy;
Anon thou xalt com wher thou xalt wonne,
  In fyre and stynk thou xalt sytt me by.

Jhesu. Now the sone of God claryfyed is,
  And God in hym is claryfyed also;
I am sory that Judas hath lost his blysse,
  Weche xal turne hym to sorwe and wo.

But now in the memory of my passyon,
  To ben partabyl with me in my reyn above,
ȝe xal drynk myn blood with gret devocyon,
  Wheche xal be xad ffor mannys love.