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As for a thef with ryth gret hat,
  Is browth to stondyn at that same syse.
          And than, as I ȝow say,
The wyff of Pylat goth to rest,
Coveryd with clothis al of the best,
Than ffor to slepe she is ful prest,
          Alle this we thenke to play.

Secundus vexillator.

In the xxviij. pagent xal Judas,
  That was to Cryst a ffals traytour,
With wepyng sore evyr crye, alas,
  That evyr he solde oure Savyour.
He xal be sory ffor his trespas,
  And brynge aȝen alle his tresour,
Alle xxx. pens to sere Cayphas,
  He xal them brynge with gret dolowre,
          ffor the whiche Cryst was bowth.
ffor gret whanhope, as ȝe xal se,
He hangyth hymself upon a tre,
ffor he noth trostyth in Godys peté,
          To helle his sowle is browth.

Tertius vexillator.

In the xxix. pagent, to Pylatus wyff
  In slepe aperyth the devyl of helle,
ffor to savyn Crystes lyff,
  The devyl here temptyth, as I ȝow telle.
Sche sendyth to Pylat anon ful ryff,
  And prayth that Cryst he xuld not qwelle;
Than Pylat is besy and ryth blyff,
  Cryst for to savyn he ȝevyth councelle,
          ffor he dede nevyr trespas.
The Jewys do crye fast ffor to kylle,
The rythful man thei aske to spylle,