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Wherefore we beseche ȝow that ȝour wyllys be good,
  To kepe the passyon in ȝour mende that xal be shewyd here.

The last ȝere we shewyd here how oure Lord for love of man
  Cam to the cety of Jherusalem mekely his deth to take;
And how he made his mawndé, his body ȝevyng than,
  To his apostelys evyr with us to abydyn for mannys sake.

In that mawnd he was betrayd of Judas, that hym solde
  To the Jewys for xxx^{ti}. platys to delyvyr hym that nyth.
With swerdys and gleyvys to Jhesu they come with the tretour bolde,
  And toke hym amonges his apostelys about myndnyth.

Now wold we procede, how he was browth than
  Beforn Annas and Cayphas, and sythe beforn Pylate:
And so forth in his passyon how mekely he toke it for man,
  Besekyng ȝou for mede of ȝour soulys to take good hede theratte.

Here the Herowndys xal shewe hymself and speke.

Herodes Rex. Now sees of ȝour talkyng, and gevyth lordly audyence;
  Not o word I charge ȝow, that ben here present,
Noon so hardy to presume in my hey presence
  To onlose hese lyppys ageyne myn intent.
I am Herowde, of Jewys kyng most reverent,
  The lawys of Mahownde my powere xal fortefye;
Reverens to that Lord of grace moost excyllent,
  ffor be his powere alle thinge doth multyplye.

ȝef ony Crystyn be so hardy his feyth to denye,
  Or onys to erre ageyns his lawe;
On gebettys with cheynes I xal hangyn hym heye,
  And with wylde hors tho traytorys xal I drawe.