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Here xal a massanger com into the place rennyng and criyng "Tydyngys! tydynges!" and so rownd abowth the place, "Jhesus of Naȝareth is take! Jhesus of Naȝareth is take!" and forthwith heylyng the prynces, thus seyng,

Massanger. Alle heyle, my lordys, princys of prestys!
  Sere Cayphas and sere Annas, lordys of the lawe!
Tydynges I brynge ȝou, reseyve them in ȝour brestys;
  Jhesus of Naȝareth is take, therof ȝe may be fawe!
He xal be browth hedyr to ȝou anon;
  I telle ȝou trewly with a gret rowth,—
Whan he was take I was hem among,
  And ther was I ner to kachyd a clowte.

Malcus bar a lanterne and put hym in pres,
  Anoon he had a towche and of went his ere!
Jhesus bad his dyscyple put up his swerd and ces,
  And sett Malcus ere ageyn as hool as it was ere!
So mot y the, methowut it was a strawnge syth!
  Whan we cam fyrst to hym, he cam us ageyn,
And haskyd whom we sowth that tyme of nyth?
  We seyd Jhesus of Naȝareth, we wolde have hym fayn.

And he seyd, "it is I that am here in ȝour syth;"
  With that word we ovyrthrowyn bakward everychone,
And some on her bakkys lyeng upryth,
  But standyng upon fote manly ther was not on.