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But I wyl not thi body alle spyl,
  Nor put it here into more peyn;
Serys, takyth Jhesus at ȝour owyn wyl,
  And lede hym to Pylat hom ageyn.
Grete hym weyl, and telle hym serteyn,
  Alle my good frenchep xal he have;
I gyf hym powere of Jhesus, thus ȝe hym seyn,
  Whether he wole hym dampne or save.
Primus doctor. Sere, at ȝour request it xal be do, We xal lede Jhesus at ȝour demawde; And delyvyr hym Pylat onto, And telle hym alle as ȝe comawnde.

Here enteryth Satan into the place in the most orryble wyse, and qwyl that he pleyth, thei xal don on Jhesus clothis and overest a whyte clothe, and ledyn hym abowth the place, and than to Pylat, be the tyme that hese wyf hath pleyd.