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Pylat ful redyly the body doth hem graunt,
  Than thei with reverens do put it in grave.
The Jewys more wyckyd than ony geawunt,
  ffor Crystes ded body kepers do thei crave,
Pylat sendyth iiij. knytes that be ryth hardaunt,
  To keep the blody body in his dede conclave.
          And ȝit be his owyn myth,
The body that was hevy as led,
Be the Jewys nevyr so qwed,
Aryseth from grave that ther lay ded,
          And ffrayth than every knyth.

Primus vexillator.

In the xxiij. pagent the soule of Cryst Jhesu
  Xal brynge alle his ffrendys ffrom helle to paradyse,
The soule goth than to the grave, and be ryth gret vertu
  That body that longe ded hath loyn to lyf aȝen doth ryse.
Than doth Cryst Jhesu onto his modyr sew,
  And comfortyth alle here care in temple ther she lyse,
With suche cher and comforth his modyr he doth indew,
  That joy it is to here ther speche for to devyse.
          And than
Oure lady of hefne so cler,
In herte sche hath ryth glad chere,
Whan here sone thus doth apere,
          Here care awey is tan.

Secundus vexillator.

In the xxxiiij. pagent xal Maryes thre
  Seke Cryst Jhesu in his grave so coolde;
An aungel hem tellyth that aresyn is he;
  And whan that this tale to them is tolde,
To Crystes dyscyplis with wurdys fful fre,
  They telle these tydynges with brest ful bolde.
Than Petyr and John, as ȝe xal se,