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Here the Jewys bryng Jhesus aȝen to Pylat.

Primus doctor. Sere Pylat, gode tydandys thou here of me,—
  Of Herowd the kyng thou hast good wyl;
And Jhesus he sendyth aȝen to the,
  And byddyth the chese hym to save or spylle!

Secundus doctor. ȝa! ser, alle the poer lyth now in the,
  And thou knowyst oure feyth he hath nere schent:
Thou knowyst what myschef therof may be,
  We charge the to gyf hym jwgement..

Pylat. Serys, trewly ȝe be to blame,
  Jhesus thus to bete, dyspoyle, or bynde;
Or put hym to so gret schame;
  ffor no defawth in hym I fynde.

Ne Herowdys nother to whom I sent ȝow,
  Defawte in hym cowde fynde ryth non;
But sent hym aȝen to me be ȝow,
  As ȝe knowe wel everychon.

Therfore undyrstande what I xal say,
  ȝe knowe the custom is in this londe,