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Primus doctor. Sere, for the solemnyté of oure Pasche day, Be oure lawe he xal go fre away. Pylat. Barabas, than I dysmysse the, And ȝeve the lycens to go fre.

Et curret.

Dysmas and Jesmas ther as ȝe stondys,
The lawe comawndyth ȝou to hold up ȝour hondys;
Sere, what sey ȝe of these thevys tweyn?
Secundus doctor. Sere, thei ben bothe gylty, we seyn. Pylat. And what sey ȝe of Jhesu of Naȝareth? Primus doctor. Sere, we sey he xal be put to deth! Pylat. And kone ȝe put aȝens hym no trespas. Secundus Doctor. Sere, we wylle alle that he xal be put upon the crosse!

Et clamabunt omnes voce magna dicentes, "ȝa! ȝa! ȝa!"

Pylat. Jhesu, thin owyn pepyl han dysprevyd,
Al that I have for the seyd or mevyd;
I charge ȝou alle at the begynnyng,
  As ȝe wole answere me beforn,
That ther be no man xal towche ȝour kyng,
  But yf he be knyght or jentylman born.

Fyrst his clothis ȝe xal of don,
  And makyn hym nakyd for to be;
Bynde hym to a pelere, as sore as ȝe mon,
  Than skorge hym with qwyppys that al men may se!
Whan he is betyn, crowne hym for ȝour kyng!
And than to the cros ȝe xal hym bryng!

And to the crosse thou xalt be fest,
And on thre naylys thi body xal rest!
On xal thorwe thi ryth hand go,
Anothyr thorwe thi lyfte hand also;